Official Renbo to RRQ, How Much is the Transfer Fee?

Official Renbo to RRQ, How Much is the Transfer Fee?

One surprise was presented by RRQ, who brought in a midlaner from Bigetron Alpha Renbo, who surprisingly was fared well by his team some time ago.

Although there were rumors that Renbo’s break in Season 10 was waiting for the young Kenn jungler Bigetron to reach the age of 16 so he could enter the MPL.

But it’s a shame when Kenn is almost certain to be able to take part in the Renbo farewell from BTR. Other news also states that the contract from Renbo is actually still long, namely until 2024. Then is it true that the former BTR midlaner was bought by RRQ Hoshi, and if so, what is the transfer price?

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Estimated Transfer Prices for RRQ Renbo

source: YT Team RRQ

It was not disclosed exactly how much the transfer price was from Renbo from BTR to RRQ. However, our estimate is not much different or equal to that of Psychoo’s transfer when he moved from ONIC to RRQ.

Because in terms of achievements Renbo has not had enough, namely MDL ID Season 1 Champion and MPL ID Season 7 runner-up.

Hopefully, with the presence of this player in RRQ, there will be a new color and maybe a new trophy for him.

Most likely Renbo will play as a midlaner because his signature hero is Cecilion. However, this does not rule out other potentials because we know that Renbo controls many heroes. It will be interesting to wait for the ex-BTR’s performance with the new team RRQ.

So, that’s the estimated transfer price for Renbo to RRQ in our opinion, do you have any other opinions? Can you write in the comments column?

READ ALSO: Bkent’s Reaction After Acil Farewell from RRQ, Cut the Tumpeng!

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