Even though it’s really OP, but this Hero Mage Has Difficulty Entering Meta

Did you know that this one mage hero has really op abilities, spinners, but unfortunately it’s difficult to enter the meta game, who is he?

There is one mage hero whose status is worrying, he is really having trouble getting into the Mobile Legends meta game.

Because there are several reasons that make it difficult to enter meta, even though he himself is quite op, spinners, who is this hero?

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Hero mage meta
Photo via FB Cherry

Yep, according to your guess, the hero we’re talking about is Aurora. Aurora herself is a typical hero mage for burst damage, instant kill.

Aurora’s ability is the same as Eudora, Kagura, Vale and so on. Aurora also has an instant kill ability that is quite terrible.

The gameplay is also easy to master, even for beginners. But unfortunately even so, Aurora has difficulty entering the meta.

Even though she has great damage, can kill opponents instantly, gameplay is easy to master, but Aurora still can’t enter the Mobile Legends meta game.

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The reason that makes it difficult to enter the meta is Aurora’s gameplay itself, so that Aurora op’s abilities must fill her stack first, which is of course very troublesome.

And finally players prefer to use Eudora, compared to Aurora which is too dependent on its stack.

Not to mention that Aurora’s mobility is really very slow, easily captured or defeated by opposing heroes.

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Source: dailyspin.id

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