This Marksman Hero Should Be Worthy of Entering the Game Meta

You have to know that this marksman hero actually deserves to be included in the Mobile Legends meta game, who is this hero?

Of the many marksman heroes who don’t enter the meta, according to SPIN Esports there is only one hero who should be included in the meta but is forgotten by Mobile Legends players.

It’s a shame if you don’t use or glance at this marksman hero, because his skills are terrible.

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Then who is the marksman hero we are talking about? A marksman hero that should be included in the meta game?


Hero op mobile legends
Photo via Pinterest

The hero we are talking about is Bruno, Bruno is a very strong marksman hero even since the early game was still level 1.

His big damage is consistent until the late game and his ability is hard to stop, all because of his 1st skill which has high burst damage.

What’s even more op, Bruno’s 1st skill doesn’t have a cooldown as long as you take the bounced ball and use it again.

This skill is really very deadly, even from level 1 Bruno has been able to slaughter all his opponents using this skill.

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What’s even more terrible is that if Bruno’s ultimate is active, he will bounce the ball back at the opponent and the ball has great damage. It’s no joke if you combo it with skill 1.

That’s a marksman hero who should be worthy of being included in the Mobile Legends meta game, because Bruno can counter heroes like Beatrix, Brody to Wanwan easily.

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