3 Midlaner Mage Heroes Who Clean Minions the Fastest

You should know that there are 3 midlaner op mage heroes in Mobile Legends whose clear minions are the fastest among all the other mage heroes.

Using a hero with the ability to quickly clear minions is an advantage for those of us who play midlaners.

Because this ability allows us to roam quickly anywhere, so regarding this, SPIN Esports has 3 Mobile Legends midlaner mage heroes who can clear minions the fastest.

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Most Effective Lylia Counter
Photo via Arts Ceri

First there is Lylia, you could say Lylia is the mage hero with the fastest clear minion ability. He only needs combo skills 2 and 1 minion can disappear instantly.

In fact, it’s not just minions, if there’s an enemy in front of them, Lylia’s combo skill can also be instantly vanished.


Vexana mobile legends
Photo via Pinterest

Then there is Vexana, the current Vexana is not the old Vexana. Now Vexana can quickly clear minions and even kill opponents.

All of this is due to her combo skills 1 and 2 which allow Vexana to issue deadly burst damage in just 1 attack.


Mobile legends powerful mage hero
Photo via Amino Apps

Finally, there is Gord, only by using combo skills 1 and 2, Gord can clear minions quickly.

Even to do this he can while walking, so when using your Gord it will be very easy to roam to and fro quickly.

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Source: dailyspin.id

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