4 Typical Roam Hero Damage in Mobile Legends, Can’t For TB

You should know that there are 4 roam heroes typical of damage in Mobile Legends, these heroes can’t grow or attach bodies during war.

On average, all roaming heroes in Mobile Legends have strong defense, thick blood and of course they can mount their bodies or kill their teammates.

But there are some roam heroes who can’t TB, they can only initiate war, who are they?

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First there is Saber, the Saber roamer meta is a meta that is currently popular. This meta is very terrible during the early game.

But in the late game, this meta is very weak. Saber can be countered easily, plus he’s not the typical body-resistant hero so his teammates will definitely have a hard time.


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Selena is of course included in the list, this one hero is a reliable initiation hero. But the biggest weakness is that Selena is not a hero tb.

So when your team picks Selena, then you have to be careful with the opponent’s assassin or marksman hero who can easily kill all of you, including this Selena.


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Who would have thought that this one tank hero wasn’t good enough to withstand team attack damage, alias as a tb hero. Because Franco is actually a kidnapping hero, his defense is not strong enough if he is forced to kill his teammates.

Franco can only kidnap one opponent’s hero, counter the opponent’s hero who will approach the core hero in his team and deal great damage from his 2nd skill to the opponent.


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Lastly, there is Natalia, if you play Natalia roamer, then you must be prepared for your marksman and midlaner heroes, your team will be an easy target for opposing junglers.

Because Natalia can’t fight let alone withstand attacks from opposing jungler heroes, so during a war your team has to be more careful and just wait for Natalia to pick off one opponent’s heroes.

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Source: dailyspin.id

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