3 Hero Tanks in Mobile Legends that are not suitable to be played as Roamers

Here are 3 tank heroes in Mobile Legends that are not suitable to be played as roamers, who are the three of them?

Not all tank heroes in Mobile Legends can be played as tankers or roamers, in fact there are several heroes that cannot be played as roamers even though their role is a tank.

Like the following three tank heroes who don’t deserve to be played as roamers in Mobile Legends, who are the three of them?

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MLBB offlaner heroes
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Of course the first hero is Uranus, Uranus is the most unsuitable tank hero to play as a roamer.

Does not have cc skills, all skills are only for himself, his defense is really bad, he can’t become a mounted hero like other tankers.


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Photo via ArtStation

Then there is Barats, even though he has good defense, Barats is actually not suitable to be played as a roamer.

He has absolutely no war initiation abilities, has no crowd control and can’t protect his teammates properly.


Offlaner heroes mobile legends
Photo via Zerochan

Lastly, there is Esmeralda, even though she is terrible as a damage hero, behind her role which is a tanker, Esmeralda is not very suitable to be played as a roamer.

He doesn’t have as good cc as tank heroes in general, his defense is quite easy to destroy. Esmeralda really can’t be a hero who attaches her body like other tank heroes.

He is more suitable to be played as a damage hero, explorer. Esmeralda is more effective in playing as the second body mount hero after the team tanker.

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Source: dailyspin.id

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