3 OP Marksman Heroes Who Clear Minions are the Fastest

You should know that the following is a list of 3 marksman op heroes in Mobile Legends that clear minions the fastest, among other heroes.

Using clear minion heroes quickly is a big advantage for the team, because these heroes can be used for roaming or helping our teammates war.

Related to this, SPIN Esports has recommendations for 3 marksman op heroes in Mobile Legends that can clear minions quickly, who are they?

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Hero marksman op
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First there is Moskov, it only takes a basic attack, Moskov can clear minions quickly. The attack can penetrate backwards so that Moskov can clear minions quickly.

In just a matter of seconds, Moskov can quickly clear his minion, then he can help his comrades to war.


hero counter beatrix
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Then there is Beatrix, using her weapon in the form of a rocket, Beatrix can clear minions very quickly.

Beatrix’s weapon is an area of ​​damage so that minions can be used up in just one attack.


User marksman mobile legends
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Lastly, there is Clint, only with skill 1, Clint can clear minions quickly. It doesn’t even take 5 seconds for him to finish all the minions on his lane, both in the early game and in the late game.

So when you play Clint, you can rotate wherever you like to look for additional gold.

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Source: dailyspin.id

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