3 Fastest Marksman Heroes for Solo Lord

In the following, there are recommendations for 3 of the fastest marksman heroes for solo lords in Mobile Legends, it only takes seconds.

Using marksman heroes who can secure lords quickly is one of the keys to success in winning the Mobile Legends game.

Therefore SPIN Esports will provide a list of the three fastest marksman heroes for solo lords in Mobile Legends, who are they?

READ ALSO: 3 Fighter Heroes That All Marksman Heroes Fear in Mobile Legends

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Hero marksman meta
Photo via DeviantArt

The first is, of course, Bruno, you could say this one marksman hero is the fastest mm to secure the Lord. It only takes skill 1, Bruno can secure the lord quickly.

It didn’t take long to do this even alone.


Item attack speed
Photo via DeviantArt

Then there’s Karrie, killing lords quickly is an easy thing for Karrie. His attack speed is very high, his combo skills are also terrible.

So that Karrie can easily kill lords, both early lords and during lords in the late game.


Hero marksman op
Photo via Pinterest

Finally there is Moskov, having a high attack speed accompanied by a heavy lifesteal makes Moskov able to easily kill lords very quickly.

It doesn’t even take 1 minute, Moskov can kill lords easily in the early game.

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Source: dailyspin.id

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