3 Forgotten Mage Heroes in Mobile Legends Even though they are very OP

In the following, there are 3 forgotten mage heroes in the current Mobile Legends meta game, even though they are really op, spinners.

Bored of picking the same mage heroes? Even though there are many mage heroes who have op and terrible abilities but are forgotten in the current meta.

For example, the following 3 Mobile Legends mage heroes are forgotten by players, even though spinners are really op.

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Meta mobile legends
Photo via Pinterest

First there is Zhask, Zhask’s abilities are very op, he is a counter for thick heroes in Mobile Legends, not to mention he is assisted by his joni when fighting.

But somehow players are reluctant to use this one hero, even though his abilities are really deadly.


Mobile legends powerful mage hero
Photo via Amino Apps

Then there is Gord, being able to attack while walking makes Gord actually worthy of your pick. Not to mention that his ultimate is the counter for thick heroes, so Gord’s abilities are truly terrible.

But it’s a shame that because of his mobility and slow gameplay, Gord doesn’t get the attention of Mobile Legends players.


Hero mage op mobile legends
Photo via DeviantArt

The last name is Odette, has a terrible ability, where Odette is able to deal extensive damage to her enemies but it’s not enough to make her popular.

Even though Odette met the requirements in terms of ability and could compete with other mages, due to several reasons, especially her poor mobility, Odette was reluctant to be picked on by players.

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Source: dailyspin.id

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