3 Hero Marksman Counter the Hero Assassin in Mobile Legends

You should know that these three marksman heroes are the counters for the assassin heroes in Mobile Legends, whoever the three of them are.

In general, assassin heroes are natural counters for marksman heroes in Mobile Legends, all of them should be countered easily.

But in fact there are several marksman heroes who can easily counter all assassin heroes, like the following 3 marksman heroes.

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Hero marksman attack speed
Photo via Mobile Legends Daily

Especially for Brody, he can counter all assassin heroes using his 2nd skill in the form of a long stun.

After skill 2, Brody will usually use skill 1 or basic attack to add to his stack of opponents and finally finish with skill 3 which covers a large area, so the enemy cannot run away and instead dies right away.


Hero mm mobile legends
Photo via Pinterest

Then there’s Beatrix, Beatrix doesn’t have any special skills to counter assassin heroes.

Beatrix only relies on basic attacks with her machines gun, the interesting thing is that with that weapon all assassin heroes are afraid to face Beatrix alone.


Hero mm op
Photo via DeviantArt

Who would have thought Moskov was included in the list, yep this marksman hero is included in the list because of his 2 skills which can easily counter assassin heroes.

Even heroes like Ling and Fanny will think twice about attacking Moskov when his skill 2 is active, because even a little mistake in skill 2 Moskov can stagnate us and kill us easily.

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Source: dailyspin.id

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