3 Mage Heroes With Very Terrible Combo Skills, Very Strong

You should know that these three Mobile Legends mage heroes have very terrible combo skills, their abilities are really strong.

Of the many mage heroes in Mobile Legends, only a few have deadly skill combos.

Their combo skills can kill all opposing heroes in one strike, this sounds impossible but it really happened.

Like the 3 hero mages with the following terrible skill combos, they are very strong, spinners.

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Strong mage heroes
Photo via Land of Dawn

The first name is Luo Yi. You could say that in terms of combo skills, Luo Yi is the best. The skill combo is terrible, especially if the opponents are together.

This skill combo can even flatten the enemy in just a few attacks.


Vexana Buff
source: YT MLBB

Then there’s Vexana, Vexana revamp is really very deadly. If you get hit by the skill combo, you can be sure you will die right then and there.

Burst damage from skill 3 is the key to Vexana’s op ability.


The strongest mage hero
Photo via Twitter

Vale is of course included in the list, this one mage hero is capable of killing all opposing heroes in 1x combo skill.

He has the ultimate that does great damage, not to mention his 2 skills are of the CC type, so when hit by the 2 cc skill, be prepared to be killed on the spot by Vale’s ultimate.

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Source: dailyspin.id

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