2 Marksman Heroes That Are Suitable To Be Played As Midlaners

Did you know that these 2 marksman heroes are suitable to be played as midlaners in Mobile Legends according to SPIN Esports, who are the heroes?

Most of you must think that all the marksman heroes in Mobile Legends can only be played in the goldlane, of course this is a big mistake.

Due to the fact that there are several marksman heroes that are suitable to be played as a midlaner, jungler or other roles.

Like the following two marksman heroes in Mobile Legends that are suitable to be played as team midlaners.

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Hero marksman op mobile legends
Photo via DeviantArt

First there is Kimmy, Kimmy the midlaner has been used by Mobile Legends players for a long time. Even apart from mid, Kimmy is also suitable to be a jungler, goldlaner to explaner.

Kimmy can do everything well, but what is most suitable for her is a midlaner.

Midlaner Kimmy is very profitable for his team, fast rotation, early damage is really bad, the counter is for other midlaner heroes.


Hero marksman mobile legends
Photo via ArtStation

Finally there is Natan, you could say Natan is the same as Kimmy. He can be played as physical damage or magical damage, it all depends on the player.

Related to that, according to SPIN, Natan is also suitable to be played as the team’s midlaner. Even superior to other midlaners.

Because Natan’s own ability can clear minions quickly, hit the opposing midlaner decisively, rotate quickly and so on.

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Source: dailyspin.id

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