Hero Marksman Haram Meta Nowadays According to Antimage!

Hero Marksman Haram Meta Nowadays According to Antimage!

There is one hero who recently became popular even more than other Marksman heroes such as Wanwan, Beatrix and Claude.

Maybe you will think that it is Karrie. But apart from Karrie, there is one hero who is currently very popular in the current meta.

Moskov Becomes an Illegal Hero Marksman Today

Hero marksman op
Photo via DeviantArt

According to Antimage from his latest video, Moskov is an illegal Marksman hero because his attack speed is crazy.

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This Hero Marksman does have the ability to increase attack speed through his 1st skill.

Not to mention using inspire and it often makes it easier for this hero to push turrets quickly.

The next reason for the ban is because when you want to end the game, Moskov can easily destroy the turret like some MDL pro players have done, one of which is Pranata from RRQ Sena.

You could say Moskov + inspire is very illegal in the current meta, moreover he also has CC from stun skill 2.

He is perfect for countering many opposing heroes, especially Fanny who likes walls.

With high attack speed, outplayed can really be done by Moskov when facing this hero who has high mobility.

Do you agree with Antimage’s opinion regarding the prohibition of the hero Marksman Moskov in today’s meta?

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Source: dailyspin.id

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