Tips for Playing Kimmy Mobile Legends Correctly, So You Can Be Savage

Here are some good and correct tips for playing Kimmy in Mobile Legends, you should know these tips so that your Kimmy can continue to be savage.

Kimmy is one of the most popular marksman heroes in the current Mobile Legends meta, because of her uniqueness.

She can be played in many different roles according to the needs of the team and on average the roles played by Kimmy are going well.

Regarding that, so that Kimmy’s abilities can be maximized, SPIN Esports has tips on playing Kimmy in Mobile Legends that are correct, so that she can continue to be savage.

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Mandatory Farming in the Early Game

Hero marksman midlaner
Photo via Funny Pin – Pinned by Me!

Kimmy’s damage in the early game is still not much, therefore she needs time to make her items.

So when playing Kimmy you have to farm as much and as fast as possible, farming through hermit crabs, minions or hit shield turrets.

Don’t be too barbaric

Hero marksman op
Photo via Pinterest

The second tip is not to be too barbaric when playing Kimmy, it’s true that in order for Kimmy’s damage to be maximal to the opposing hero, we must approach the opponent as close as possible.

But you also have to know your limits, don’t play Kimmy too barbarically until you move forward. Remember Kimmy has poor mobility, she’s easy to grab plus her blood is very thin.

Position Yourself Correctly During War

Kimmy Mobile Legends

The last tip is to position yourself well during the war, this is related to point 2 where you don’t need to be too barbaric.

And know the correct position during war, for example behind a roaming hero or entering war when the cc of the opposing hero is already in use.

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