3 Marksman Heroes Who Are Not Suitable for Using Critical Items

You should know that the following 3 marksman heroes are not suitable for using critical items, so their abilities are not maximal.

Critical items themselves are generally preferred by the marksman heroes in Mobile Legends because they can provide significant additional damage to opposing heroes.

But don’t get me wrong, there are some marksman heroes who are not suitable for using critical damage items, their abilities might be useless if you give them critical items.

READ ALSO: 3 Core Heroes in Mobile Legends That Turn Out to Be Roamers

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Hero marksman op mobile legends
Photo via Pinterest

The first hero is Claude, keep in mind Claude is strictly forbidden for you to attach critical damage items. Because these items actually make it useless throughout the game.

Claude doesn’t have skills that can produce critical, so critical items are useless when paired with Claude.


Hero marksman attack speed
Photo via Mobile Legends Daily

Then there is Brody, where does Brody’s critical skills come from? Of course not. Brody is more suitable and effective in using physical damage items.

Meanwhile, critical items are strictly prohibited and completely useless for Brody. Therefore, never use critical on Brody.


M4 Pass Beatrix
source: Mobile Legends

Items that have critical damage are strictly prohibited for Beatrix, this mm one hero doesn’t need critical damage to make her terrible.

He needs physical damage items more than critical, because none of his weapons produce critical.

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Source: dailyspin.id

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