3 Hero Marksman OP Required to Use Critical Damage Items

Following is a list of 3 marksman op heroes in Mobile Legends that must use critical damage items, who are they? Check out the reviews.

Of the many marksman heroes in Mobile Legends, only a few of them are suitable for using critical items.

This critical item functions to provide considerable additional damage to the specified opponent and here are 3 marksman op heroes who must use critical damage items.

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First, of course, Bruno, Bruno’s critical damage comes from his 1st skill. The more critical items become, the more painful the damage skill 1 Bruno is.

Even skill 1 which produces critical has been very sick since the early game, Bruno is really a very deadly critical marksman hero.


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Photo via Svitlana Kolachinska

Then there is Lesley, the marksman hero who went viral and is also required to use critical damage items.

Not without reason, when Lesley uses critical damage items, the damage produced is enormous, even so large that she can kill an enemy with just 1 attack.


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Photo via YouTube Wai Art

Lastly there is Irithel, you could say Irithel’s mandatory items are critical damage items, so that Irithel’s damage hurts a lot.

Even if the minutes enter the late game, Irithel is able to kill enemies in just a few attacks at once.

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Source: dailyspin.id

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