Here Are 5 Effective Counters to the New OP MLBB Arlott Hero!

Here Are 5 Effective Counters to the New OP MLBB Arlott Hero!

The new patch comes with the newest hero, Arlott. As a new hero, he should be very OP and strong.

He can be relied upon as a jungler or explaner. He is strong alone or during teamfights.

He was arguably the best version of Lancelot Prime back then. He can easily blink with great damage.

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Even so, these 5 MLBB heroes can still counter this hero.

Most Effective Hero Counter Arlott

New ML 2023 Hero Arlott
Photo via Mobile Legends Update


Of course, with the Suppress effect from Kaja, you can easily counter this agile hero. No matter how agile the suppression effect of Kaja is, you can’t fight it and of course you can easily kill this hero.


Just like Kaja, Franco has a strong Suppress effect from his Ultimate, although Arlott’s agility is quite thin and can be destroyed quickly when he can’t blink here and there.


Joy is also an agile hero with strong immunity, Arlott’s agility is arguably still inferior to Joy’s immune effect, allowing Arlott to be easily defeated by Joy.


One stop with a stun from skill 2 Brody can certainly destroy Arlott, moreover because this hero’s thinness makes Brody with basic attacks and ultimate pain can destroy him.


Finally, of course there is Minsitthar counter for all blink heroes, when you enter Ultimate from Minsitthar Arlott it will be difficult to launch his attack combo.

That’s the list of the most effective heroes to counter Arlott in our opinion. If you have other heroes that have proven effective, you can write them in the comments column, Spinners.

READ ALSO: 5 Heroes Must Be Picked After the New MLBB February 2023 Patch!

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