Ryzen Almost To Alter Ego, Here’s Why!

Did you know that BTR Ryzen used to be close to Alter Ego, spinners, how come, what’s the story? Listen carefully!

The Ryzen we know is in Bigetron and raised the name Bigetron himself. Tells about his experience when he wanted to move from Bigetron.

He was offered by Alter Ego to become the PUBGM roster.

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Ryzen’s Explanation Why Not Become Alter Ego

Through the Bigetron TV Youtube platform, Ryzen explained about himself being offered at Alter ego because Ryzen wanted to experience it experience (experience) different from before.

However, Ryzen had discussed it with Alter Ego regarding the Velue he wanted.

“There’s a discrepancy between me and AE, I’ve already said that I want to do this, this, this. It’s like they’re shooting at this.”

Ryzen added that it is not related to money, but other values.

“From there it was a final call, I said ‘is this a final call from you guys?’ they said ‘yes, we can’t change it anymore’, so in the end I chose Bigetron.”

However, when Ryzen signed a contract with Bigetron, Alter Ego agreed to Ryzen’s velue request.

“The next day I told them, ‘I signed it, OK, I finally chose to come here,’ how do you like people to say that? I’m sorry to explain, I already made a decision like that,”

ryzen to alter ego
Photo via SPIN Esports

“Finally they okin my velue after I signed. His fortune means he’s still on Bigetron,”

The achievements Ryzen has achieved and its popularity so far, it is understandable why many Indonesian teams want Ryzen but Ryzen remains anchored in Bigetron Esports.

Not only is Ryzen’s nominal value quite high, but the velue that other teams need to meet for Ryzen itself.

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Source: dailyspin.id

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