3 Offlaner Heroes Most Feared by All Marksman Users

Did you know that these 3 offlaner heroes in Mobile Legends are the most feared by all Marksman users, who are the heroes?

Offlaner heroes in Mobile Legends not only serve as tankers for the two teams, but can also damage the three teams.

Like the 3 offlaner heroes in Mobile Legends that all marksman users fear the most, their damage is no joke.

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Hero counter Lapu-lapu
Photo via Twitter

First there is Lapu-lapu, it is guaranteed that when fighting Lapu-lapu all marksman users will definitely keep their distance as far as possible so that they are not jumped on and defeated right away.

The damage that Lapu-Lapu has is very large, capable of killing a marksman hero with just 1 attack.

Yu Zhong

Yu Zhong mobile legends

Then there is Yu Zhong, he has the ultimate that can easily penetrate the opponent’s back line.

At that time, Yu Zhong could immediately kill the opponent’s marksman or midlaner easily using Yu Zhong’s terrifying combo skill.


New ML 2023 Hero Arlott
Photo via Mobile Legends Update

Lastly, there is Arlott, this new hero immediately attracts the attention of Mobile Legends players. Arlott has a dash skill that can immediately enter the opponent’s back line.

He can instantly kill the opponent’s marksman easily using his 2-3-1 skill combo. This one hero is truly terrible for marksman.

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Source: dailyspin.id

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