Julian Again OP, Pick These 3 Heroes To Counter Him

You must feel that Julian is really op right now, but don’t worry spinners, you just have to pick this hero to counter him.

Since being buffed, Julian’s name has now returned to the Mobile Legends meta game again. Just like when it was first released, Julian was really op.

Difficult to counter and defeat, but there are 3 heroes who are really effective at countering Julian, who are they?

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Counter saber heroes
Photo via DeviantArt

The first is of course Saber, Saber is Julian’s natural counter. Julian lost badly when he faced Saber, who has the most terrible instant kill ability.

Even to get close to the war that contained Saber for Julian was suicide. He couldn’t do anything against Saber.


Hero mage mobile legends
Photo via Hayashi Kana

Then there is Kagura, even getting close to Kagura is a difficult thing for Julian. Kagura has really good mobility.

Besides that, the burst damage that Kagura has is able to kill Julian easily, with 1x attack Julian can be killed immediately by Kagura.


Hero roam riot
Photo via Behance

Lastly, there is Hilda, for Julian fighting Hilda seems endless. Julian’s skills are tasteless when it comes to Hilda.

Not to mention that Hilda has much more terrible damage than Julian and she can also increase her blood rapidly when hiding in the grass.

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Source: dailyspin.id

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