Explanation of the Latest Emblem Revamp 2023, Jungle Emblem Removed?

Explanation of the Latest Emblem Revamp 2023, Jungle Emblem Removed?

After that time, the revamp of the emblem was not carried out, it turned out that Moonton was again planning changes to the emblem.

You could say the changes this time are not too massive because what we see is not much different. In this latest emblem change, it will be more general for talents that can be used for all existing emblems.

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Instead of being confused, let’s just go straight to the explanation from us, launching from YouTube the MLBB VY Gaming creator content.

Explanation of the Latest ML Revamp Emblem

Common Emblem
source: YT VY Gaming

In the later revamp there will only be 7 types of emblems no longer 9 where the reduction is in the Magical and Jungle emblems.

But you don’t need to worry because in later talent there is still an option for Mage Killer (the currently popular jungle emblem talent).

Jungle Emblem
source: YT VY Gaming

His name is Seasoned Hunter, the function is the same to increase damage by 20% against Lord and Turtle. In fact, the revamp emblem can later make heroes more flexible, especially Tank heroes who become jungle.

Because you don’t have to use the jungle emblem but you can use the Tank emblem with attributes that are very suitable for tanks but can be given talents for jungles like Seasoned Hunter.

Apart from that, the last slot can also be said to be more flexible to vary according to the hero role, such as Tank Jungler, Roamer damage and others.

Revamp Emblems
source: YT VY Gaming

What do you think about the change or revamp of the Emblem in Mobile Legends, is it more difficult or is it actually getting better in the future?

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Source: dailyspin.id

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