3 OP Mage Heroes Who Have the Most Annoying Slow Effects

You should know, here is a list of 3 mage op heroes that have the most annoying slow effect in Mobile Legends, who are they?

There is one ability commonly possessed by mage heroes in Mobile Legends, namely the ability to make the opponent’s movements slow down, this is called the slow effect.

Related to that, there are 3 mage op heroes in Mobile Legends that have the most annoying slow effect in Mobile Legends, who are they?

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Hero mage op
Photo via CheerRy Up! – Tumblr

First there is Lylia, Lylia’s combo skills not only produce great damage to opponents but also slow effects which are very troublesome.

If you are affected by Lylia’s slow effect, it’s not only your movements that become slow, but your blood can also be cut off a lot by her.


Hero mage slow effect
Photo via Twitter

Then there is Yve, even though she only has slow skills from her 2 skills. But that’s annoying enough to fight, because the 2nd skill is really troublesome.

Yve is even able to give slow effects to many heroes just by relying on his 2 skills.


Hero mage mobile legends
Photo via DeviantArt

Valir is of course included in the list, you could say he is the hero with the most annoying slow effect among all the other mage heroes.

In fact, Valir is the most hated hero by tanker users or melee heroes in Mobile Legends, because his slow effect is really annoying.

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Source: dailyspin.id

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