3 Marksman Heroes Who Have Terrible Stun Skills

You must know that these three marksman heroes in Mobile Legends have very terrible stun skills, who are the three of them?

Heroes with stun or cc skills have always been the prima donna of Mobile Legends players because they have their own advantages during duels or wars.

Therefore SPIN Esports will provide a list of 3 marksman heroes in Mobile Legends who have terrible stun skills, be careful when fighting them spinners.

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Goldlane marksman
Photo via twitter @Ruddyck2

First there is Moskov, Moskov has a stun from skill 2 which in order to make this stun skill work, he must push the opponent towards the wall, turret or fellow opposing heroes.

If he succeeds in doing that, Moskov can immediately slay his opponents with ease.


Hero marksman meta
Photo via DeviantArt

Then there is Bruno, Bruno has a stun skill from his 2nd skill which can bypass opponents. The resulting stun is long enough to make you die before you can escape from Bruno.

Therefore, don’t invite Bruno to a duel with a basic attack, because he can cheat and attack you with his 2 skills and make you lose first.


The strongest marksman hero in mobile legends
Photo via Mocah wallpapers

Finally there is Brody, you could say Brody’s stun skill is the most terrible stun among all the other marksman heroes.

Because apart from being able to stun you, you will also be marked by Brody and then Brody will finish using his ultimate. Don’t underestimate Brody’s skill 2 in the form of the stun.

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Source: dailyspin.id

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