AURA Fire Changes Line-Up, R7 It’s a Shame It Doesn’t Have This Figure!

AURA Fire Changes Line-Up, R7 It’s a Shame It Doesn’t Have This Figure!

AURA Fire changed their line-up formation in week 3. However, it’s a shame that this change also didn’t improve their position. You could say even less than the previous week.

Regarding this change, R7 through EMPESHOW together with Jonathan Liandi, Antimage and KB provided comments regarding the change.

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According to him, this change was not good because this figure was not in their latest line-up.

Godiva Becomes an Important Figure According to R7

“I see that the composition of the team has disappeared, the roster has changed a lot, there have been three changes and I don’t think it will work, one still makes sense, if three takes a really long time, right at the beginning of the week it’s still the same roster and keeps on falling a week of direct replacement a lot of it’s a mistake in my opinion. One more thing, in my opinion, the loss of the figure of Godiva is also important for me,” said R7.

According to R7, the loss of Godiva was a factor in AURA’s not performing this season. Even though we know that in week 1 Godiva played and AURA also lost.

However, the drastic change made the team composition seem unprepared, especially as it was considered extreme where AURA’s new jungler figure was Kabuki who was used to playing as a Goldlaner. While Roamer is filled by High who usually plays jungler. Of course there will be very drastic gameplay differences.

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