Reasons Why The Wolf Among Us 2 Has Been Delayed To 2024

Reasons Why The Wolf Among Us 2 Has Been Delayed To 2024.

Telltale Games has announced it is delaying The Wolf Among Us 2, the sequel to the 2013 comic adaptation of Fables, to next year.

The Wolf Among Us 2, is the highly anticipated sequel to Wolf Among Us, one of the best games.

The Telltale Games team announced the news on Twitter, describing it as a “tough decision” that was needed to ensure the game met fans, and to avoid forcing the development team into a crisis.

‘We have made the difficult decision to postpone The Wolf Among Us 2 from 2023,’ Telltale announced on Twitter. “We know, that’s frustrating to hear. We started working on this in 2020 and we are still determined to tell the ongoing story of Bigby and the rest of the Fabletown gang. However, it will take more time. However disappointed you are to hear this, we feel even worse having to say it.’

‘But the work continues. We’re committed to delivering the sequels fans deserve and doing what’s right for the game while protecting the health of our team. We appreciate your patience and understanding.’ Close tweet from the Telltale team.

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Speaking to IGN, Telltale Games CEO Jamie Ottilie explained that the team made the choice for a number of reasons, but mainly to avoid burnout or sending the game unfinished.

“Making plays is difficult and they need time to get right. And there’s no point in us sending something that’s not ready.” he said.

Ottilie also said the team will need time to transition from Unreal Engine 4 to 5. That would involve reworking much of the company’s existing work, and together with recruiting and production difficulties, would make it difficult to reach a 2023 release date.

Another reason is because they also want to make the best game they’ve ever made. And one of them is to give the team more time to finish this game.

“If we get this game out and it’s not ready, we’re going to be torn to pieces,” he said. “The expectations were pretty high, and we wanted time to meet them and we wanted to be proud of it and know that, ‘Hey, this is the best game we could make.’ Let the world say what they will [setelah] done, but at least we know that right now, in these conditions, this is the best game we can make.”

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