R7 Admits RRQ Skylar as the Best User Claude in the MLBB Scene!

R7 Admits RRQ Skylar as the Best User Claude in the MLBB Scene!

R7, who is Skylar’s teammate at RRQ, admits that Goldlaner from the King of Kings team is the best as Claude’s user.

He revealed this through EMPESHOW with Jonathan Liandi, Antimage and KB some time ago.

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He admits that even to the international scene as revealed by Antimage before.

“But it’s true that Claude is number 1 in the world, it’s been recognized, the world is not just Indonesia, PH has also admitted it, we have MSC as an example,” said R7.

It must be admitted that currently Claude’s number 1 user in the world is Skylar, in fact, in almost all the matches that took place in MPL ID Season 11 week 1 and 2, Claude is inseparable from Skylar.

Only lost once in the first game against EVOS Legends in El Clasico volume 1 some time ago.

His game is indeed very good and is often the foundation of RRQ to get victory, especially when using Claude.

It is only natural that RRQ Skylar’s Claude is recognized by the world as number 1.

We are waiting for the next action, will the opposing team release this comfortable Skylar hero again or will he be banned or taken by his team. It’s interesting to wait, Spinners.

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Source: dailyspin.id

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