5 Hero Mage With the Most Terrible Stun Skills

You should know that these five mage heroes in Mobile Legends have pretty terrible stun skills, capable of killing you in 1x combo.

It is very common to see that mage heroes in Mobile Legends have stun skills, this is to make them reliable in early games.

However, there are only five hero mages who have the most terrifying stun skills of all, who are they?

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Hero mage mobile legends
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Eudora is at number 1 because this one mage hero’s stun skill is really terrible, the stun that is produced takes quite a long time not to mention that it is usually directly comboed right with skill 3 or 1.

That’s enough to kill your core heroes, in just 1x Eudora attack combo.


Hero op mobile legends
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Who is the owner of the longest stun? Yep of course Selena. The stun he has is the longest duration among all the other stun heroes.

What’s more, Selena can kill you right away using her stun and assassin mode attacks.


Hero mage op mobile legends
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It’s very annoying against Vale with his 2 cc skills, it’s like you can’t move at all because of the cc.

Not to mention that usually Vale combos his CC skills with his ultimate, he is able to CC and kill all opposing heroes at once.


Mobile legends deadly hero
Photo via WallpaperAccess

Then there is Cyclops, the ultimate Cyclops has annoying cc. You will get stun and considerable damage.

Even with only this ultimate, Cyclops is the mage most feared by core heroes.


Xavier mobile legends
Photo via Khaila Diaz

Finally there is Xavier, Xavier’s cc alias stun skill has not been messing around for a long time. Even this skill can be launched from a considerable distance.

Xavier’s cc skill is the skill most feared by melee heroes, because the damage is quite large plus they are stunned for a long time.

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Source: dailyspin.id

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