Widely Used, These Are the Advantages of the Lancelot Tank According to RRQ Alberttt!

Widely Used, These Are the Advantages of the Lancelot Tank According to RRQ Alberttt!

Lancelot Tank is starting to be seen a lot in the competitive scene of Mobile Legends. Looks weird but proven effective.

As a Lancelot user who is also often respected by our tires, we are also curious about Alberttt’s response regarding this hero.

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Advantages of Lancelot Tank According to RRQ Alberttt

Through a media interview after the match against Rebellion Zion, RRQ Alberttt revealed the strengths of the Lancelot build Tank.

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“It’s good, because Lancelot does a little damage so it’s easy to pick-off, if he’s made a tank he wants to secure an objective like that, it’s quite easy to be rich in sustain, that’s pretty good,” said RRQ Alberttt.

According to Alberttt Lancelot, building defense items is very good because securing objectives is easy because they are sustain and don’t get picked off easily.

Alberttt himself has admitted that he has tried it. Will one of Alberttt’s signature heroes come back with a build tank like the one currently being used?

It will be interesting to wait because of course we haven’t seen any of Alberttt’s power heroes, most of the time he is currently using a Fighter hero or a Jungler Tank. Yesterday he also used one of the very strong heroes Joy and didn’t think off with K/D/A 12/0/9.

It is not surprising that Alberttt will also be selected as the jungler for the Indonesian national team at the 2023 Sea Games.

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Source: dailyspin.id

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