Bad Habits of Mobile Legends Players Make It Difficult to Rank Up

You must know the following 3 bad habits of Mobile Legends players that make it difficult to rank up, what are these habits?

Maybe many of you are wondering why our rankings don’t go up, even though we’ve been fighting all out?

Related to this, SPIN Esports has several reasons or bad habits from Mobile Legends players that make it difficult to rank up.

Maybe those are the reasons that get you stuck there and there.

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Flat Before God Appears

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The first reason is very common and is often done by Mobile Legends players, which is to flatten before the lord appears.

Either when getting the lord or when the lord has been obtained. Often players force to kill or war and it ends evenly, then the enemy gets the lord.

Habits like this must be avoided because they are very dangerous and can easily make your opponent comeback.

Too Lust Kill

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The second reason is too much lust to get kills, a habit like this is common among Mobile Legends players at both low and high ranks.

Even though this habit is quite bad and must be avoided, it is true that killing an opponent is the only way to calm the match, but if it is excessive or too passionate to be chased to the opponent’s base it is very ridiculous and should not be done.

You might get killed and the enemy will get a moment, until in the end your team has a comeback.

Don’t Know Hero Meta

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Source: UPoint

The last reason is not knowing meta heroes, usually players who don’t know meta heroes will rank up long, because the average hero they pick is already nerfed or even forgotten.

So the solution to overcome this is to read the patch for each update or follow the latest Mobile Legends update accounts on social media.

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