Tuturu Explains Reasons for Not Watching MPL, Because of This?

Tuturu Explains Reasons for Not Watching MPL, Because of This?

Former player from the RRQ team, namely Tuturu, stated the reason for not wanting to watch MPL this season.

As for the reasons, he explained through his live streaming on YouTube. He revealed this after being asked by his live streaming viewer some time ago.

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Reasons for Tuturu not wanting to watch MPL

“I don’t want me, I don’t pay too much attention to MPL, I’m no longer interested in MPL, the problem is that’s just the way it is guys, the teams that stand out are the only ones, there aren’t any new teams that are suddenly good at it, just those three guys, the rest okay, I guessed it, the champion, if not ONIC, is RRQ, if they slip, it’s the most EVOS,” said Tuturu.

It turned out that the reason was because the existing teams were too monotonous. There is no new team that is shocking because it can break the dominance of ONIC or RRQ. At best, EVOS could win when the other two teams, ONIC and RRQ, slipped.

However, what Tuturu said was not wrong because it has been proven that for the last 3 seasons, these two teams are indeed at the top of the standings. If not ONIC, then RRQ is at the top and finally becomes the champion.

After EVOS Legends won in season 7, the dominance of the two seemed hard to stop and they always entered international tournaments to represent Indonesia.

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Source: dailyspin.id

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