5 Explaner OP Heroes Must Pick at the Beginning of Season 28 Mobile Legends

5 Explaner OP Heroes Must Pick at the Beginning of Season 28 Mobile Legends

Explaners are an important role figure at the moment, when excelling in the lane allows them to do many things such as zoning junglers, helping turtle objectives, and targeting the enemy’s backline.

But now not all heroes are suitable to become explaners, there are many factors that make these heroes suitable, strong and OP.

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Instead of being confused, here is our recommendation which is of course OP, strong and you must pick it at the start of season 28 of Mobile Legends.


Offlaner heroes auto win
Photo via John Matthew Nañoz

First, there is clearly Lapu-Lapu which is the mainstay for the current Explaner role. He is strong, the damage is there and thick. It really has the characteristics to be an explaner nowadays.

It’s also easy to target the opponent’s backline thanks to the Ultimate, plus the current meta hero Mage Highground is very popular.


Offlaner hero op
Photo via Twitter

This new hero is indeed strong because it is quite complete, he is sick, has high regen and has annoying CC. The Arlott build Tank is often used to fill the Explaner role, he will usually use the Ultimate skill to cancel opponents, and that is indeed very OP.


Hero counter gloo
Photo via Twitterイラスト検索。Buhitter !

To kidnap enemies, this hero is very reliable, even though there is a little nerf for some of the skills, this hero often becomes a struggle. It’s no wonder because the damage still hurts even though it’s been nerfed.


New Hero OP Patch
source: FB Jagler Minsitthar

You could say this hero is suitable for many roles, but if you are an Explaner player you can really use this newly revamped hero.

Minsitthar after the revamp is very strong, the damage is also big and annoying because it can make the enemy unable to go anywhere.

Yu Zhong

Hero fighter mobile legends
Photo via Pinterest

Lastly, there is Yu Zhong, his power isn’t as strong as it used to be, but compared to many other heroes, he’s still a good choice, especially for targeting a strong enemy backline.

Suitable for handling heroes like Pharsa or Marksman who are usually behind like Beatrix, Lesley and others.

Those are the Explaner OP hero recommendations to help you push at the start of season 28 of Mobile Legends.

READ ALSO: After Revamp, Is Minsitthar Jungler, Roam or Explaner More Suitable?

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Source: dailyspin.id

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