Tips for playing Alice Jungler that are good and right to be strong!

Tips for playing Alice Jungler that are good and right to be strong!

Alice jungler is one of the surprising heroes. Even though since a few patches ago the issue of Alice becoming a jungler has been hotly discussed.

But only in MPL this time this hero finally came out as a jungler. It has been proven that several players, one of which is Super Kenn, have been successful in playing this hero.

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This hero is not easy enough to play because it needs the right timing to enter and exit teamfights. So, for that, here are tips on maximizing the potential of Alice jungler so that she becomes strong.

Focus on Farming in the Early Game

Alice Jungler Tips
source: YT Wasaitube

Early game is an important time for Alice to farm. You have to maximize this and focus so that you can get a lot of stacks later when you enter the late game.

Steal Your Opponent’s Buffs If You Can, Especially the Blue Buffs

Alice Jungler Tips
source: YT Wasaitube

Alice’s main focus is the blue buff so that which use in the early game can be trimmed and you can farm faster.

If there is a turtle opportunity, it’s better to focus on stealing enemy buffs because it’s quite a difficult contest for the early game for Alice against the opponent’s jungler heroes, especially Tanks.

Avoid War in the Early Game

source: YT Wasaitube

As much as possible avoid war and just let your friends poke enemies in the early game. You only need to focus on farming and join the teamfight if the situation is urgent.

Collect Stack Consistently

source: YT Wasaitube

Stack is important for Alice, so your main focus is to collect this, and if it’s already 5 minutes you can farm your midlaner minion so that the stack collects faster. Meanwhile, your midlaner can help roaming Goldlaner or Explaner to get kills.

So, those are the tips for playing Alice jungler to become a strong jungler, this hero can be said to have prime time from mid to late game, he will be very strong if he has enough farming and enough stacks.

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