Tank Users Must Know, This is a Tank Item Combo for MLBB Counter Heroes!

Tank Users Must Know, This is a Tank Item Combo for MLBB Counter Heroes!

As a Tank user or a Tank hero user, you really have to know what combo items are suitable for dealing with various existing heroes.

Of course in every match the opponent will use a different hero. So, don’t make the wrong defense item when facing certain heroes.

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Here are the tank item combos to deal with certain situations or heroes in Mobile Legends.

Counter Critical/True Damage

First for critical or true damage heroes like Lesley, the right items are Blade Armor and Guardian Helmet. Both of them are suitable because Blade Armor has high Physical Defense, while Guardian Helmet has high HP, true damage can only be countered with thick HP.

Counter Burst Damage

When facing burst damage heroes for your physical it is highly recommended to use Antique Cuirass, and Twilight Armor. Especially when facing Assassins who usually have physical burst damage that hurts. Twilight Armor has now been revamped and is perfect for dealing massive Burst damage.

Counter Magic Damage Bursts

This time, it’s magic damage burst where once hit it can disappear immediately, that’s why we recommend the combo from Oracle and Athena’s Shield, both of which provide a large addition of magic defense and are suitable for countering Magic Damage burst.

Counter Magic Damage Poke

This time it’s different, where we recommend using Radiant Armor and Oracle, especially Radiant which is specifically present to fight Magic Damage Poke like Harley. The specialty of this item is for poke damage or over-time damage

Counter Attack Speed

Next for attack speed heroes, usually Marksman, where with the latest combo item Attack speed is very strong, for that we recommend using Dominance Ice and also Blade Armor. Dominance after being buffed provides more reduction in attack speed, and Blade Armor is very clear for counter physical attacks.

That’s the tank combo item that you must know to counter many heroes in MLBB.

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Source: dailyspin.id

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