Rows of Hero Mobile Legends with the Fastest Ultimate Cooldown!

Rows of Hero Mobile Legends with the Fastest Ultimate Cooldown!

Ultimate hero Mobile Legends is synonymous with a long cooldown. However, these heroes are different because they have a short ultimate cooldown compared to other heroes.

Indeed, some heroes have uniqueness such as the Transform skill which makes this hero have two modes, but not all heroes with two modes have a short cooldown.

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So, let’s just take a look at the list of heroes who have the fastest Ultimate cooldown.


The Fastest Ultimate ML Hero
source: Mobile Legends

Only two seconds this hero has Cooldown on the ultimate. Since it was changed, you can activate Ultimate at any time (connotation) like skill 2 from Hylos. The difference is that this skill is more painful and depends on Alice’s stack. And of course this skill only eats mana from Alice without HP like Hylos.


The Fastest Ultimate ML Hero
source: Mobile Legends

Just like Alice, Ultimate underwent a change that now has a short stack and cooldown, but it’s not easy to get a stack and a maximum of only 2 at a time.

This is what has recently made Natalia a priority as a roamer damage rather than Selena.

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source: Mobile Legends

Actually Ultimate was faster before, but because it was too strong it ended up being nerfed and it became 5.5 seconds, but it’s still quite short in the late game, which is only 3 seconds.

This change is enough to make this hero marginalized again and not the main choice as a damage roamer.


source: Mobile Legends

Just like Selena, Roger has Ultimate transformation but it’s slower on cooldown. This hero has a maximum cooldown of 4.5 seconds for his Ultimate.

The transformation is quite dangerous indeed because he is a ferocious hero when he enters Werewolf mode.


The Fastest Ultimate ML Hero
source: Mobile Legends

Clint changed from his previous Ultimate Claude’s Ultimate to his current Ultimate. But indeed this ultimate advantage is a short Cooldown and quite a lot of stacks.

Once hit by a bullet the Ultimate is very sore now and makes Clint a Marksman burst damage.

So, that’s the list of heroes in Mobile Legends with the fastest Ultimate, is there a hero that you usually use, Spinners?

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