Items That Seem Useless Even though They Are Important to Buy in Mobile Legends!

Items That Seem Useless Even though They Are Important to Buy in Mobile Legends!

There is one Mobile Legends item that looks like an unfinished item but has a very good and useful function for you to make in the early game.

We know that in the early game there is still little gold and it is difficult of course to make finished items quickly, so these semi-finished items can be a good choice for you to make.

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Fury Hammer Becomes One of the Strong Items in the Early Game

Fury Hammer
source: Mobile Legends

For you Mobile Legends players, especially Explaner users, it’s really mandatory to use this one item in the early game so that you have enough penetration at the start so you can suppress your opponent.

We know that in the early game, of course Explaner will be poor in gold but strong in terms of experience, so one way to outsmart this is to buy cheap items.

The price of this item is also quite cheap, namely 830, but the effect is really felt with +35 Physical Attack and +12 Physical Penetration. This effect is suitable for Explaner heroes who have damage in early games, for example Lapu-Lapu.

During the late game you can sell it or make it one of two items, namely Blade of Heptaseas and Hunter Strike.

That’s an item that looks trivial or weak but turns out to be very useful for you to make in the current meta. This item has a good effect at an affordable price in the early game, you can use it to beat back your one-lane opponent.

Actually it’s not just for Explaners, but for Goldlaner heroes like Beatrix and Brody as well because both of them are suitable for poking at the beginning especially since both of them don’t really need an attack speed item like other Marksman.

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