Not All Mobile Legends Pro Players Can Play This Hero!

This is one of the unpopular heroes in Mobile Legends and a hero that not all pro players can play!

Indeed, there are many Mobile Legends heroes who are not popular, but there are also several Mobile Legends heroes who are rarely used, not even all pro players can master one of these heroes.

Phoveus, is a fighter hero that is rarely used in MPL or other tournaments, maybe only a few pro players use it.

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Phoveus MLBB

Phoveus is almost a hero that is rarely used even after Phoveus was released he was only popular for only a few days.

Phoveus gets nerfed quite often. There are many reasons why Phoveus is a hero that is rarely used, among others. He can’t easily dash and run away from the opponent’s hero, the damage dealt isn’t too painful.

When using the Tank build, Phoveus doesn’t have a lot of damage. If you build Damage, Phoveus will become soft or die easily.

Kimmy Revamp emblems
source: Mobile Legends

It’s possible to use Phoveus, you need mage items with mage emblems to feel extra damage and where from Phoveus.

So it’s not easy for a Tank like Gloo to kill Phoveus. Even though Phoveus isn’t a popular hero, what can he still use if he uses a build that suits him.

The builds that Phoveus must have include damage, tanks, and he also has CC immunity, as well as slow effects and fairly thick Shields.

Phoveus is still very fun to play too, so you guys still enjoy using Phoveus.

READ ALSO: Three Current OP Goldlaner Heroes in Mobile Legends According to Tuturu!

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