Functions of 3 Marksman Emblems in Mobile Legends, Is Wanwan Suitable for Use?

Functions of 3 Marksman Emblems in Mobile Legends, Is Wanwan Suitable for Use?

Mobile Legends currently has 9 emblems, starting from Physical, Magical, Assassin, Tank, Mage, Jungle, Fighter, Marksman, Support.

Every emblem is certainly different and this time SPIN Esports will discuss about the Marksman emblem, which many are still confusing, suitable for any hero.

Of course there are 3 talents that this emblem has, for those who are still confused here we will explain their functions and which heroes are suitable.

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This talent is one of the talents that is quite popular with users marksmen for being able to improve physical attacks 15% of the emblems and items purchased.

Because this ability is usually very suitable for Marksman who have high damage at the beginning and use BOD or Blade of Despair as their core items such as Beatrix, Lesley and Popol & Kupa. Of course the addition of physical attacks will make him sick from early to late game.

Quantum Charge

Quantum Charge is a talent that many heroes also rely on, especially for Marksman heroes who have strong basic attacks.

Besides that, this talent will certainly improve movement speed by 40% for 1.5 seconds and restore HP (regen) by 30% Physical Attack. This talent cooldown is 10 seconds. So, the heroes who are suitable for using this talent are Irithel, Karrie, Melissa and Miya.


The last talent has an effect on very strong opponents, every basic attack has a 20% chance to reduce the opponent’s movement speed by 90% and attack speed by 50% (for hero range). The cooldown is short, only 2 seconds.

So, this is suitable for those who often spam and need to be close to opposing heroes like Wanwan and Hanabi.

That’s the function of the Marksman emblem in Mobile Legends, you know Spinners, so don’t use the wrong emblem, OK? Some Marksman heroes are actually suitable for several emblems, such as Hanabi who is also suitable for using Quantum Charge.

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