Tips for Playing Roamer Tank Mobile Legends to Become a Good Initiator!

Tips for Playing Roamer Tank Mobile Legends to Become a Good Initiator!

For the current meta, roamer tanks have triumphed again and can be said to have a plus when used.

Tanks certainly have a thick body and can be initiated quite easily. But of course you have to understand your duties so that you can perform your duties as a good roamer.

So, here are tips for playing roamer tanks in Mobile Legends so you can become a good initiator.

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Counter atlas
Photo via DeviantArt

Early Game Paste the Enemy Jungler

You could say your first task is to mirror the opponent’s jungler so that his position can be found out where he is, so that later your jungler can steal your opponent’s buffs.

Take Care of Goldlaner When You Want to Push Lane

Your next task can be waiting in the bushes which your opponent will probably pass when the Goldlaner or our team’s marksman pushes. This can make the opponent unable to initiate and you can hold your Goldlaner’s body.

Find Bush to Initiate


Bushes are very important for you to initiate, of course bushes that are not good and strategic make your opponent alert, you can do it with conceal so that your attacks cannot be predicted and make sure your friends understand what you want to do. This is done so that your initiation is not in vain.

So, those are the tips for playing roamer tanks in Mobile Legends, the popularity of heroes like Khufra, Atlas makes roamer tanks rise again to the surface. So, because of that, you can try our tips, Spinners.

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