Hero Mobile Legends Can Counter Arlott Easily on Explaner!

Hero Mobile Legends Can Counter Arlott Easily on Explaner!

There is one Mobile Legends hero who turns out to be able to easily counter Arlott on the Explaner. This was revealed by a former Antimage pro player recently through his YouTube.

Explaner is indeed one of the best roles for Arlott because he is indeed very strong when facing one on one.

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For this one hero, it seems that Arlott really has a hard time because skill 2 will be difficult to use continuously, I wonder who the hero is, here’s the answer!

Grock Becomes a Strong Counter Arlott

Grock can be an option for countering Arlott, especially for the Explaner role. Grock Explaner besides being thick, he also hurts thanks to the High and Dry emblem.

Especially for counter skill 2 Arlott there is immunity from skill 1 + wall which makes Arlott’s mark not appear because even when skill 1 is used it does not give Grock a stun.

This makes Arlott’s skill 2 stop and cannot be used again. Apart from immunity, of course the damage from Grock’s skill 1 hurts a lot, especially when using high Physical Attack items such as BOD or Blade of Despair.

So, that’s the counter from Arlott, where this Mobile Legends hero can be easily countered on the Explaner.

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Source: dailyspin.id

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