This Hero Marksman Suddenly Sells Again in the MPL ID S11 Playoffs

This Hero Marksman Suddenly Sells Again in the MPL ID S11 Playoffs

There is one hero who turned out to be selling well in the playoffs, can you guess the hero?

hero counter beatrix
Photo via pixiv

Yep, it’s true that the hero is Beatrix, who suddenly sells well again and becomes a mainstay for the Marksman hero.

Reasons for Hero Marksman Beatrix to Sell in MPL

The reason is because Marksman heroes like Melissa, Claude have been banned because they are the mainstay of Goldlaners in MPL ID Season 11.

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So that makes the hero Beatrix who has not been relied on for a long time become an option again. Indeed, you could say that Beatrix is ​​still a strong hero but not as OP as before because she has been nerfed.

For now, there are several Marksman heroes to choose from, namely Melissa, Claude, Wanwan, and Brody.

Melissa and Claude are the priority tires after these heroes often make the team that uses them win.

For Wanwan, actually it can still be used, but it’s not as strong as before because it’s been nerfed. If Brody is used more to fight Assassin heroes.

So that Beatrix reappeared as a strong hero for both team fights and pick-offs.

Especially when the players can make good use of Renner’s Apathy to be able to make unexpected pick-offs towards opponents.

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