This Mobile Legends Hero Can Counter Any Marksman

This Mobile Legends Hero Can Counter Any Marksman

Marksman really has the upper hand because of the Goldlaner meta where the marksman is the core that is relied on to get victory.

Therefore you also have to know the heroes that can counter the existing marksman heroes.

So, for now we feel that this Mobile Legends hero is the counter of all existing Marksman. Do you think you can guess the hero or not?

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Pharsa becomes the Counter Hero of All Marksman

The reason is simple because from a distance the Ultimate can reach the Marksman position quite easily.

Indeed, Pharsa can be said to be superior from a distance against Marksman, moreover her burst damage makes Marksman fall apart until he is dying and even killed.

The distance also makes Pharsa safe enough to deal damage without having to be afraid of getting counterattacked by Marksman. But of course you need to understand a good position in order to give maximum attack.

This is also similar to recent times in MPL ID Season 11 where EVOS chose Pharsa so that RRQ would not take the early Marksman heroes, especially for Melissa who lacks escape skills except for her skill 1.

Indeed, some Marksman can enter later like Claude, but of course Pharsa also has two other skills to fight, and there is also a passive skill where she can fly with Verri’s bird.

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