The Most Difficult Hero Mage to Fight, Not Pharsa

Did you guys know that hero mage this is the hardest to fight, who is he? What is certain is not Pharsa, spinners, then who?

There is one hero mage which has a very high level of difficulty to fight, because this hero has complete abilities.

Many even say that hero mage it is the most perfect hero in Mobile Legendstherefore he is hard to beat, then who hero mage what are we talking about?

READ ALSO: 3 Most Powerful Counter Heroes for Melissa From Role Mage


Counter hero Valentina
Photo via Pinterest

The hero we are talking about is Valentina, Valentina is the only mage hero with the most complete skill set among all the other mage heroes.

You could say this one mage hero is perfect, he has all the abilities that other mage heroes have.

Valentina has CC from skill 2, poke damage which is quite painful from skill 1 and most importantly, Valentina has an ultimate that can copy the opponent’s ultimate hero.

So when your opponent uses a high ground hero, Valentina can easily copy her ultimate and use it as a defense or to attack.

The more op the ultimate hero used by the opponent, the more op Valentina will be, because she can easily copy the opponent’s ultimate.

Mobile legend ranking
Photo via Pinterest

Those are the things that make Valentina difficult to fight, she is the most difficult mage to beat because her skills are very complete, adjusting the heroes used by the opponent.

The only way to counter Valentina is to CC her and gank her together.

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