Don’t Buy This Mobile Legends Defense Item When Playing Tank Hero!

Don’t Buy This Mobile Legends Defense Item When Playing Tank Hero!

It turns out that not all defense items are suitable when you buy them for the Tank hero. Some of the existing defense items are actually more suitable for you to buy for Fighter heroes or other hero roles.

Besides having more suitable defense items, this line of defense items has a passive that lacks synergy with the uses of Tank or Roamer heroes who usually attach bodies or initiate.

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Curious what Mobile Legends items are? Read more, Spinners.

Bruteforce Breastplate

First is Bruteforce, the reason is clear because this item has a passive that can be triggered from giving damage to the opponent, while the function of the tank is to receive damage, so that function is no longer suitable for Tank heroes.

Thunder Belt

True damage is certainly not needed by the Tank hero who is in charge of giving his body instead of damage, unless the tank is a jungler like Fredrinn.

This item is usually an option for Fighters like Alpha or Assassin heroes who need additional damage.

Cursed Helmet

Indeed it can be used to clear lane quickly but Tank or roamer heroes don’t have the main function for that, because usually Tanks will roam or rotate more often than being on the lane, so this one item is not suitable, unless the tank functions as an explaner on the laning phase.

Queen’s Wings

This item has low defense, apart from that its passive is a spell vamp when blood is dying, as a tank it is certainly not suitable because it is better to use regen items such as Guardian Helmet when dying and need HP regen.

That’s a row of defense items that you shouldn’t buy when playing Tank heroes, especially when playing roam, because indeed tanks also often play in junglers or explaners for the current meta.

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