This MM Hero Turns Out to be Effective for Counter Faramis

Did you know it turns out marksman heroes (mm) The following Mobile Legends op is effective for counters Faramiswho’s he?

Currently, the average Mobile Legends player is always banned Faramis when they play rank it gets the stats banned Faramis so high.

Even though you really don’t need to bother getting banned Faramis in rank, just pick it marksman heroes this is to counter him, who is the hero?

READ ALSO: 3 Weakest Assassin Mobile Legends (ML) Heroes


Low mechanic heroes
Photo via Pinterest

The hero we are talking about is Granger, Granger is the only effective marksman to counter Faramis.

Granger’s skills are fun to play in a push and pull strategy so Faramis’ 3 skills can be useless during team fights.

After the duration of skill 3 runs out, then Granger can easily kill Faramis and his teammates.

Faramis’ gameplay, which has to move forward to deal damage, is also easily countered by Granger.

Hero marksman Jungler mobile legends
Photo via Pinterest

Granger doesn’t need to bother chasing opponents and spam skill 1, because Faramis approaches himself to cc the opponent he wants.

Meanwhile Granger’s ultimate is actually less useful because the damage it generates is not great and it’s easy to counter with certain items.

However, this skill is effective for luring Faramis to use his skills so that during war, Faramis cannot help his teammates fight.

Keep in mind that Granger itself can only be played in the jungle role, don’t try playing in goldlane with this mm hero, because it’s very useless.

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