Functions of 3 Emblems Support Mobile Legends, Angela Suitable?

Functions of 3 Emblems Support Mobile Legends, Angela Suitable?

Apart from the Mage, Assassin and Fighter emblems which are quite popular in use, there is the Support emblem which turns out to be also widely used by heroes in Mobile Legends.

Judging from the name, you might think that this Support emblem is only suitable for support heroes like Angela, Estes and others.

But it turns out that there are also many other heroes like Claude, and several other Tank heroes that are suitable for using this emblem. So, it’s mandatory to know this function.

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So, regarding this matter, here SPIN Esports will provide an explanation regarding the function of the three Support emblems in Mobile Legends, so that you know what heroes are superior and suitable for them.

Focus Mark

  • Dealing damage to the opposing hero will increase the damage to the partner to the opponent by 6% for 3 seconds
  • Suitable for hero support that sticks to the core, because it can increase the damage to the core, such as Angela, Estes, Rafaela and others
  • Has a short cooldown of 6 seconds
  • Increases damage that is large enough to be used during teamfights


  • Dealing damage to the opposing hero will make the hero who uses this emblem gain 10 Golds, of course this makes you quickly buy items
  • Addition 1200 Golds for free will help you win the lane
  • Short skill cooldown is only 4 seconds
  • Suitable for sidelane/offlane heroes who often poke damage to opponents like Esmeralda, Uranus, Claude and several other heroes.

Pull Yourself Together

  • Reduced respawn time by 15%
  • Reduced Battle Spell Cooldown by 15%
  • Suitable for heroes who need fast spam battle spells like the current Support meta heroes
  • Suitable for heroes who often die and need a fast respawn time, actually suitable for many heroes that you really prioritize to return quickly, there are Diggie, Estes, and Rafaela.

So, that’s the function of the Mobile Legends Support emblem which is quite diverse and can be used for various functions and not only for Support heroes because in fact other heroes like Esmeralda, Uranus or Claude can also use this one emblem.

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