You guys should know that marksman heroes (mm) op Mobile Legends this is the most effective counter for Joy, who is she?
You all must agree that Joy is the counter of the marksman heroes in Mobile Legendsall mm heroes are weak in front of Joy.
But there is only one hero mm who is strong against Joy, even he is the most effective Counter Joy 100%, who is the hero?
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The only marksman hero who can counter Joy is Wanwan. Joy herself relies heavily on her speed and immune skills when fighting.
With these two things, he can mess up the opponent’s back line, which is usually the opponent’s midlaner and marksman.
But it was different against Wanwan, Joy was completely helpless. Wanwan’s ability to be countered completely.
Wanwan herself also has good mobility, the longer the duration of the game, the faster Wanwan’s movement with her basic attacks.

Not to mention that Wanwan also has an immune skill with a short cooldown so fighting and defeating Joy is an easy thing for Wanwan.
Don’t forget about Wanwan’s ultimate which is very op and difficult to cancel, making Joy even more useless when dealing with this marksman hero.
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