According to DRX Stax, These are RRQ Players to Watch Out For When You Meet At Week 6 VCT Pacific!

According to DRX Stax, These are RRQ Players to Watch Out For When You Meet At Week 6 VCT Pacific!

The VCT 2023 Pacific League is only 3 weeks away and each match will become even more important for each team. Especially for the Rex Regum Qeon (RRQ) team who are aiming for the top 6 positions to qualify for the playoffs.

RRQ is currently in 7th position with a record of 2 wins and 3 losses, and week 6 is a tough week for them because they have to face an unbeaten team, DRX.

RRQ still has a chance to qualify for the playoffs at VCT 2023 with their record of playing very well in their remaining 4 matches.

Ahead of this hot match between RRQ and DRX, SPIN Esports had asked IGL DRX, Stax in a scrum interview about RRQ as a team and whether they should be watched out for.

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DRX Stax About RRQ Players To Watch Out For

RRQ’s performance has been improving in recent weeks. Compared to the bad start of the season, they are more comfortable and have improved their performance.

But their opponent is Asia’s best team, DRX, who are still completely unbeaten this season.

DRX Stax RRQ Ejay

When asked which player to watch out for, Stax said RRQ duelist, Ejay was a dangerous player.

“The player I have noticed the most is Ejay, he is a very aggressive player, but overall we are still ahead of them” said the player named Kim Gu-taek.

Indeed, Ejay’s performance has greatly improved since the Pacific VCT season started. Was insulted at the beginning, but now he is a very important player for RRQ.

Ejay has always been one of the players with the most kills in the first 5 matches. Even though he lost against T1 in week 5, he still scored the most ACS and kills on RRQ.

Perhaps fighting DRX would be the most difficult thing Ejay faced. DRX is known for always putting more pressure on enemy duelists.

All the duelists who played against DRX such as PRX something, Gen.G meteor and ZETA Dep all couldn’t show their best performance.

Coach Gen.G Elmapuddy also gave his opinion that DRX is one of the teams in the world that always tries to suppress their opponent’s duelists. That’s the reason why the duelists must be overwhelmed against them.

“DRX is a very meticulous team compared to others. I think a lot of teams give all duelists more chances than they should. For DRX nothing crazy happened, there was no Paper Rex strategy but they were very thorough which made it difficult for the opposing duelists to get these kills”

Elmapuddy said that DRX really respects the opponent’s duelists and this certainly makes it difficult for the opponent to get into the site too.

“Unless the team organizes properly or destroys the utility for him. Playing against DRX is the most difficult team to play against for a duelist in particular… DRX definitely puts more pressure on duelists than any other team in this league.” said the Australian coach.

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It was proven that Meteor, one of the duelist stars at VCT Pacific, was very overwhelmed against DRX in week 5 yesterday.

For RRQ vs DRX, it will be a very important match, especially for RRQ because they must be able to pick up as many wins in their remaining 4 matches.

Ejay will also be a very important player against DRX for RRQ. We’ll see if the game plan from RRQ can help Ejay to dominate DRX later?

RRQ will face DRX on Sunday, April 30 2023 at 18:00 WIB.


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