You should know that this item is a must-buy hero mage during the early game, this item is very helpful.
The early game is the most important thing for the players hero magewhere they have to be able to dominate the game, items come first and most importantly suppress the opponent’s core.
To help launch all of these things, there is one item that must be purchased hero mage during the early game, what is that item? Player mage at Mobile Legends must watch!
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Elegant Gem
The item is called Elegant Gem, of course the name of this item itself sounds foreign to your ears, especially for those of you who rarely play mages.
This item is not the main item, but a raw item, change or basic item. This Elegant Gem is a basic item from the Clock of Destiny and NOD items.
The price of the Elegant Gem item itself is 700 gold, very cheap isn’t it? Moreover, the function of this item is extremely useful for hero mages.
Which if you buy this item for your mage, then you will get 20% max HP recovery and also mana for 2 seconds after your level increases.
So when your hero levels up, this item will function to increase your HP and mana, of course this item is very useful.

Moreover, the hero mage is very wasteful of using mana because he likes spam skills and makes you go back and forth to the base to fill in mana.
Those are important items that must be purchased by hero mages in the early game, cheap items but not cheap quality, their function is very good.
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