5 Heroes Suitable for Using the Feather of Heaven Item in Mobile Legends, There’s a Tank Hero!

5 Heroes Suitable for Using the Feather of Heaven Item in Mobile Legends, There’s a Tank Hero!

This item that many players know as a feather item is one of the unique Magic items. Because it’s different from most magic items, this item also provides attack speed which is rarely needed by mages.

However, it turns out that several heroes are suitable for using this one item. There is even one tank hero that is suitable for using this feather item in Mobile Legends, who do you think it is?

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Mobile legends feather items
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First, Harith is clear because this hero simply relies on basic attack when using his Ultimate and Feather of Heaven makes his basic attack faster and deals a lot of damage.


Hero mage op mobile legends
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This hero is indeed a unique Mage hero who plays attack speed so it is very suitable for using Feather of Heaven.


Hero fighter op
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This one fighter can also be said to quite rely on his main basic attack when he manages to catch opponents in his Ultimate.

This makes Silvanna need additional attack speed to kill trapped opponents faster.


Hero marksman solo lord
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This Hero Marksman is now pure magic damage so this one item is perfect, especially with a high attack speed, of course the passive stack will fill up faster.


hero counter edith
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Lastly, there is the Tank hero who has become Explaner’s mainstay lately. Since the buff, this hero is also relied on to deal damage when in Marksman mode or when in Edith mode. High attack speed makes damage, lifesteal will be even faster, and that’s what this one item is after.

Be careful when you meet Edith with Feather of Heaven, her attack speed is crazy, especially if her stack is full.

That’s a list of heroes that are suitable for using the Feather of Heaven item in Mobile Legends. Different patches, of course there will be different heroes who are superior and not, Spinners.

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Source: dailyspin.id

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