4 Lords Similar to Mobile Legends Heroes

Here are 4 Lords who are similar to Mobile Legends heroes, which you must know!

Some of us who have often played Mobile Legends have paid attention to the shape of the jungle and also the shape of the lord in Mobile Legends. Of the many maps provided by Mobile Legends itself, there are several Lords who are similar to Mobile Legends heroes, you know.

So, let’s see below which lords are similar to Mobile Legends heroes!

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1.Imperial Lord Map

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If we look at the shape of the lord in the Imperial map, the lord is similar to Hylos. From the shape of the weapon and a similar shape.

2. Lord Map Sanctum Island

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Lord Sanctum Island doesn’t actually look like Nathan, but what you can see in common is the curved back of their backs.

3. Lord Map Harmonia

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Lord Harmonia, at first glance it will look like Uranus who doesn’t use any weapons. However, the shape of the lord in the Harmonia map looks similar to Uranus.

4.Old Lord

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The last one is the lord at the beginning of the season, if we look at the lord first and Tigreal, there’s a bit of a resemblance. In terms of his armored clothes and also blue.

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Source: dailyspin.id

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